Join the Orchestra

Get involved

Join Richmondshire Orchestra to experience playing and performing a variety of music with a large group of like-minded musicians.

Catering to a range of abilities, recent concerts have featured Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique, Mendelssohn Hebrides Overture and Vaughan Williams Symphony No.2, 'London'. We regularly perform with soloists, such as violinist Andy Long who has played concertos with many amateur orchestra and used to be Associate Leader of Opera North. He performed Bruch's Violin Concerto No.1 with Richmondshire Orchestra in 2022.

Entry is open to all string players, particularly violins and violas, but places for wind and brass players depend on the concert programmes for each season. Contact us for more information.


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Our Concert Season

Our concert season follows the school year, beginning in September. Each term includes roughly 10 rehearsals with concerts usually taking place in November, March and June.

Rehearsals start at 7.30pm on Thursday evenings at Richmond School. We take a break at approximately 8.30pm and finish rehearsing at 9.30pm.


Orchestra socials

We're a friendly bunch and run at least one official social event each year, usually at Christmas. Some members meet at a local pub after rehearsals - come along if that's your kind of thing!

During the summer we run a series of informal rehearsals without the pressure of a concert where we try out different music and offer opportunities to rehearse a concerto with an orchestra or have a go at conducting.



Richmondshire Orchestra is a registered non-profit. So that we can cover the costs for rehearsal spaces and music hire we do charge a membership fee.

Standard membership: £80 per year
Under 18s: free

The Orchestra Committee has discretion to offer full or partial reduction of membership fees. Please get in touch for more information.
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Richmondshire Orchestra